
Showing posts from September, 2018


SPLITTING THE CHURCH This was said by Pope Francis in 2016 during an interview by a well known German magazine -  'Der Spiegel'  quoted Pope Francis saying: "It is not to be excluded that I will enter history as the one who split the Catholic Church." Last year I have shared this with some people I know.  Some believed and some had doubts.  Well, whether he said this or not; true or untrue - seeing how our catholic church is divided, this has proven that he did split the church.  The error of his  Amoris Laetitia;  electing pro-gay/pro-abortion clerics in the vatican; His silence in the accusation of clerics abusing children and seminarians; the cover ups of his fellow shepherds produced a major problem in the catholic church.  Cardinals against cardinals, bishops against bishops, conservative clerics against liberal clerics - as our Lady of Akita had warned us before. Vatican is infested with homosexual clerics, and had spread all...

The Truth About The Crisis In The Catholic Church

The Truth About The Crisis In The Catholic Church Fr. Adam Purdy (SSPX)

Akita: The Battle Line of the Homosexual Contagion is Communion in the Hand

Akita: The Battle Line of the Homosexual Contagion is Communion in the Hand POSTED ON SEPTEMBER 16, 2018 by John B. Manos Now that the detente in the church has been ripped open by the Vigano report, we need to reassess what the battle field really looks like. In 1973, Our Lady appeared to a nun in Japan. She warned that unless men repent, fire would fall from heaven and the good with the bad would perish. It would be an awful terror, so terrible that the living survivors would envy the dead. This same warning occurred at Fatima in 1917. This warnings were given on October 13th of each year. Also, the Italian mystic named  Blessed Maria Aiello  had similar locutions warning of a terrible fire that would purify the wicked unless men repent. Fire from Heaven?  Gee… Where have we seen that before? Sodom is destroyed by fire from Heaven Punishment fits the crime, and it is no different here. I’ve always been surprised that people do not...

Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows Sept. 7-15

Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows Sept. 7-15 Much needed! Let's do this!  We are in sorrow.   Holy Mother Church is in sorrow.   Good shepherds are in sorrow.   Victims abused by wolves in shepherds clothing are in sorrow..  Let's join our sorrows with our 'Mama'... These prayers are to be recited each day after the Novena. Hail Mary.... Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.  Amen Prayer to our Sorrowful Mother for a particular grace O, mother most holy and sorrowful, Queen of Martyrs, you who stood by your Son as He agonized on the cross; by the sufferings of your life, by that sword of pain that pierced your heart, by your perfect joy in heaven, look down on me kindly as I kneel before you, sympathizing with your sorrows and offering you ...