SPLITTING THE CHURCH This was said by Pope Francis in 2016 during an interview by a well known German magazine - 'Der Spiegel' quoted Pope Francis saying: "It is not to be excluded that I will enter history as the one who split the Catholic Church." Last year I have shared this with some people I know. Some believed and some had doubts. Well, whether he said this or not; true or untrue - seeing how our catholic church is divided, this has proven that he did split the church. The error of his Amoris Laetitia; electing pro-gay/pro-abortion clerics in the vatican; His silence in the accusation of clerics abusing children and seminarians; the cover ups of his fellow shepherds produced a major problem in the catholic church. Cardinals against cardinals, bishops against bishops, conservative clerics against liberal clerics - as our Lady of Akita had warned us before. Vatican is infested with homosexual clerics, and had spread all...