Father Hardon on Lent and his 7 Rules of Penance By John B. Manos Bellarmine Forum In his book, The Catholic Catechism which was the de facto standard catechism for decades, and still, in my opinion, packs a powerful punch to understanding, in some ways far more effectively than the Catholic Catechism of the Catholic Church, Fr. Hardon would delve more deeply into history and meaning of modern issues. One of these issues is a misunderstanding of Paenitemini, Pope Paul VI‘s efforts to make the practice of penance more understood. Unfortunately, and a lot like Humanae Vitae, misunderstandings of this apostolic constitution abound. One of the major points in Paenitemini, as quoted in Fr. Hardon’s catechism, is that penance has three components: “prayer, fasting, and charity”. Charity is synonymous with almsgiving, which your author has more than once punctuated on this very Forum, and here and again (see the story of St. Martin). Why? Because Fr. Hardon punctuated it to me, ...