
Showing posts from March, 2019

NWO to Decatholicize the Catholic Church

NWO to Decatholicize the Catholic Church Let's increase our prayers and fasting this Lent for the protection of the Holy Mother Church!


FEAST OF ST. DISMAS, THE ‘GOOD THIEF’ by CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE March 25, 2019 LISTEN to Tony Gutiérrez, editor of The Catholic Sun, speaks with “The Bishop’s Hour” host Michael Dixon about the life of St. Dismas. Of the two thieves crucified with Christ, Dismas would come to be known as the “Good Thief” who rebuked the other thief for reviling Jesus. In Luke’s Gospel (23:39-43), he accepts his guilt and proclaims Christ’s innocence. He asks Jesus to “remember me when You come into Your kingdom,” and Jesus promises, “Amen, Amen, I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise.” How an unnamed thief came to be called Dismas is less clear. One explanation is that early Syrian representations of the Crucifixion showed a sun and moon over the thieves’ heads; Syrian coins also showed a sun and moon with the words “east” and “west.” And “dismas” is similar to the Greek word for east. This feast date was assigned because, by tradition, Jesus died on March 25. Often overshadowe...

Pope Francis Doesn't Want Anyone Kissing His Ring

Pope Francis Doesn't Want Anyone Kissing His Ring This is tragic. The Pope doesn't want anyone kissing his ring. It's too painful to watch how he treated the faithful trying to show love and respect for him and his office.  Doesn't he want to be known or recognized as the Pope? Is he too embarrassed wearing the papal ring? Why wear it? More prayers for our Pope folks! Pope Francis really doesn't want anyone kissing his ring. This from today, after Mass ... — Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat) March 25, 2019

((((( Listen to Sacred Music )))))

(((((  Listen to Sacred Music  )))))

Mortification 101 - A Catholic Introduction to Lent

Mortification 101 - A Catholic Introduction to Lent. News from the Hermitage. Lent has come. Food is gone. Now what? Find out what lent is really about and how to best use the time to prepare yourself for Easter and beyond.

How to Fight the Coming War

How to Fight the Coming War Written by  Damien Peterson The bell rings. Everyone stands. Incense fills the air. The priest and altar boys make their slow and humble procession around the pews and down to the altar. Several words are chanted in a language set apart only to be used for speaking to God during the Holy Sacrifice. Next, we all kneel. As I look down the aisle and up at the altar, with the engraved marble and gorgeous statuary surrounding the celebrant, I say to myself, "THIS is the Church.” That moment of overwhelming joy, however, is quickly darkened as my mind drifts off to the question, "Is there a future for people like me in the Church of Francis and beyond?" A quick bit of background. I am a convert. I came into the Catholic Church almost a decade ago. I have always considered this a tremendous blessing as I do not have a single Catholic in my family and yet somehow the Holy Ghost still guided me into the Ark of His Church, which for me, is the ...

Of the Church and the Pope

Of the Church and the Pope By Fr. Roger Calmel, O.P. Source:  The Catacombs This essay by Fr. Roger Calmel, O.P. (1914-75) helps us in these difficult times to preserve our love of the Church. More than 30 years after its first publication,  this article retains all its relevance, so much so that it even seems to have been written for our time, in which the crisis in the Church deepens at an unprecedented pace. This essay will help the reader to think clearly, keep the Faith, and maintain serenity in the troubled times we are navigating. “My country has hurt m e,”wrote a young poet in 1944 during the purge 1 when the head of state [Charles De Gaulle] implacably pursued the sinister job that had been in the works for more than four years. My country hurt me: this is not a truth that one shouts from the rooftop. It is rather a secret one whispers to oneself, with great sorrow, while trying nonetheless to keep hope. When I was in Spain during the 1950’s, I r...

Fasting purifies the soul

“Fasting purifies the soul. It lifts up the mind, and it brings the body into subjection to the spirit. It makes the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of desire, puts out the flames of lust and enkindles the true light of chastity.”  -St. Augustine ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The Seven Sorrows Devotion

The Seven Sorrows Devotion The Blessed Virgin Mary grants seven graces to the souls who honor her daily by saying seven Hail Mary's and meditating on her tears and dolors (sorrows). The devotion was passed on by St. Bridget. HERE ARE THE SEVEN GRACES: I will grant peace to their families. They will be enlightened about the divine mysteries. I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work. I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the adorable will of my divine Son or the sanctification of their souls. I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives. I will visibly help them at the moment of their death, they will see the face of their Mother. I have obtained from my divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors, will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness since all their sins wi...

Father Hardon on Lent and his 7 Rules of Penance

Father Hardon on Lent and his 7 Rules of Penance By John B. Manos Bellarmine Forum In his book, The Catholic Catechism which was the de facto standard catechism for decades, and still, in my opinion, packs a powerful punch to understanding, in some ways far more effectively than the Catholic Catechism of the Catholic Church, Fr. Hardon would delve more deeply into history and meaning of modern issues. One of these issues is a misunderstanding of Paenitemini, Pope Paul VI‘s efforts to make the practice of penance more understood. Unfortunately, and a lot like Humanae Vitae, misunderstandings of this apostolic constitution abound. One of the major points in Paenitemini, as quoted in Fr. Hardon’s catechism, is that penance has three components:  “prayer, fasting, and charity”. Charity is synonymous with almsgiving, which your author has more than once punctuated on this very Forum, and here and again (see the story of St. Martin). Why? Because Fr. Hardon punctuated it to me, ...

Altar-ation - No High Altar? No problem!

Altar-ation - No High Altar? No problem!  FSSP transform a modernistic free-standing altar into a very beautiful High Altar. The church that this took place in is in France and is now operated by the Fraternity of St. Peter. The complete time for this "Altar-ation" was just about 15 minutes! It Can Be Done! Return to Tradition!