
Showing posts from January, 2022

Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots

This experimental drug causes blood clots. The evidence is here (one of many thousands) and again, I strongly suggest NOT to take any more of this poison. I have warned many people including my friends and families about this countless times in the past (aside from the fact that it is immoral taking this jab). This will get worse until you stop complying to this unconstitutional, immoral, illegal mandate (coersion) and until the government is held accountable for this crime against humanity.  Pray for those who have been injured/died from this demonic poison vaccine and protection from this evil and for the conversion of these corrupt evil gov't/healthcare leaders. Board certified embalmed has to pull this out of the veins of the jabbed in order to get the embalming fluid in. — Regalhornet (@regalhornet) January 27, 2022 Here's another testimony by a doctor stating that this experimental drug caused blood clots to people. Dr. Charles ...

Priest Left the New Mass and Found Tradition

Fr. Michael Rodríguez: How I Left the New Mass and Found Tradition Source: Catholic Family News Fr. Rodríguez, a priest of the Diocese of El Paso, Texas (ordained in 1996), tells the compelling story of his journey from a diocesan priest who only knew the New Mass to a traditional priest who will only offer the Traditional Mass. His journey has involved suffering and persecution but also joy. His story is an inspiration to us all.   I have the same experience and can relate to this. Not as a priest but a laity.  I have found the Light and Truth of the sacrifice of the mass — the Ancient Mass. #TLM

Governor Phil Murphy Will Sign Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth in New Jersey

Catholic Governor Phil Murphy Will Sign Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth in New Jersey Pray for end of abortion, for this lost man and for the state of NJ. ...the legislation now allows  non-doctors to do abortions  — putting the life and health of women at risk. The radical measure also could lead to forcing New Jersey residents to fund abortions with their tax dollars. If the state Department of Banking and Insurance deems abortion funding necessary, then state residents could be compelled to pay for killing unborn children in abortions with their tax funds. It’s [abortion]  “a human trafficker’s best friend . Sex slaves get pregnant. Human traffickers have to pay for the abortions as a result. But this legislation  will require all New Jersey taxpayers to pay for the abortions of sex trafficking victims ,” —Rev. Gregory Quinlan of Center for Garden State Families Continue reading at

REAL COVID CRISIS: Church Silent While Unvaxed Persecuted

REAL COVID CRISIS: Church Silent While Unvaxed Persecuted Fr. Daniel Nolan courageously proclaims he is compelled to speak-out due to the persecution of the unvaccinated. Most priests and bishops have remained silent during this unjust discrimination. Source: Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Two  THE CHURCH'S MISSION AND SOCIAL DOCTRINE  d. The rights and duties of the Church   Men and women must respond to the gift of salvation not with a partial, abstract or merely verbal acceptance, but with the whole of their lives - in every relationship that defines life - so as not to neglect anything, leaving it in a profane and worldly realm where it is irrelevant or foreign to salvation. For this reason the Church's social doctrine is not a privilege for her, nor a digression, a convenience or interference: it is her right to proclaim the Gospel in the context of society, to make the liberating word of the Gospel resound in the...

FSSP Priest Advises Laity To Avoid COVID Shots

FSSP priest advises laity to avoid COVID shots, warns ‘one world government’ is in the works Fr. Daniel Nolan addressed the lies and falsehoods politicians and public health leaders told society about COVID. January 4, 2022 from  LifeSiteNews “Don’t live in a delusional world" —Fr. Daniel Nolan A traditional Catholic priest with the FSSP delivered a powerful homily on December 19 about the falsehoods and lies that society has been fed about COVID. Fr. Daniel Nolan, a priest at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, said Christ is the “the source of reality” and anyone who departs from that is going to end up in “delusion.” Fr. Nolan stated: If Christ is behind something, you’re going to see that. But Satan being the Prince of Darkness and the Father of Lies, you’re going to notice that as well. If you start to see a bunch of lies, you can probably be certain Satan’s behind it.. Continue reading at LifeSite News