Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots
This experimental drug causes blood clots. The evidence is here (one of many thousands) and again, I strongly suggest NOT to take any more of this poison. I have warned many people including my friends and families about this countless times in the past (aside from the fact that it is immoral taking this jab). This will get worse until you stop complying to this unconstitutional, immoral, illegal mandate (coersion) and until the government is held accountable for this crime against humanity. Pray for those who have been injured/died from this demonic poison vaccine and protection from this evil and for the conversion of these corrupt evil gov't/healthcare leaders. Board certified embalmed has to pull this out of the veins of the jabbed in order to get the embalming fluid in. — Regalhornet (@regalhornet) January 27, 2022 Here's another testimony by a doctor stating that this experimental drug caused blood clots to people. Dr. Charles ...