Are You A Woke Catholic?
Are You A Woke Catholic? Source: Complete Christianity The dictionary defines “woke” as the past-tense version of awakening, becoming alert, or to emerge from sleep. Wikipedia defines “woke” as a political term, having African-American origin, that refers to a perceived awareness of issues concerning social justice. It is derived from the African-American vernacular English expression “stay woke,” whose grammatical aspect refers to a continuing awareness of these issues. The Urban Dictionary defines “woke” as a sudden understanding of what’s really going on and finding out you were wrong about much of what you understood to be truth. It compares the expression to what happens after taking the red pill in the original Matrix movie. If you’ve never seen the 1999 Matrix movie, you can watch a 30-minute condensed version of it here . The film is a science fiction thriller about a dystopian future in the late 27th century, wherein machines have taken over the world and turned human ...