Pride Parades vs. Eucharistic Processions
Pride Parades vs. Eucharistic Processions By Patti Armstrong National Catholic Register Hiding behind a “God loves you” message while accepting slavery to sin and rebellion is not love. It hardly seems like a coincidence that June is the month for both pride parades and Eucharistic processions. One promotes the body for unbridled sexual pleasure and the other honors the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Body of Christ. It is a clash between Heaven and Hell. I wince at the cheers rendered to young boys in drag gyrating alongside scantily clad men in Pride parades. How did that ever stop being grounds for child abuse? In a video of a little girl watching a nearly nude man dancing , everyone is laughing. Would it be laughable if he showed up on a school playground to perform for little children? Or is that going to be next on the heels of drag queen story hours? It could be, given Radio Canada’s Pride Month tips for parent...