Leave the Nativity Scene alone!

Leave the Nativity Scene alone! God is offended already! Must we offend God more? Keep CHRIST (centered) in Christmas, not a naked man. How can you focus and reflect on the Incarnation of Christ with a gym-rat naked man exposed and distracting everyone? Baby Jesus can hardly be seen. Where is Joseph? Where is Mother Mary? How do you explain to KIDS if they ask why is there a naked man lying n the nativity scene? Why do we disrespect God? Why do we not love God? Why do we have to change the nativity scene  just to please others or for whatever reason.

Leave the Nativity Scene alone! God is offended already! Must we offend God more?

This is a perfect example why the church is crumbling down into pieces.

Lack of Love for the Lord.
Lack of fear.
Lack of reverence.

Too afraid to speak up to those who offend God! Defending the Lord's incarnation is too offensive now. Tolerating evil. Tolerating irreverence. .. Tolerating homosexuality.. Tolerating false social justice. . . Putting God on the side.. The lists goes on..

No! this is not Nativity Scene.

Leave the Nativity Scene alone!

Let me remind you and give you something to reflect on:
satan asked for God's permission to give him time to destroy the church....

who will be faithful to the Lord?
who would be the judas(es) and betray the church?
who will abuse the Liturgy?
who will abuse the Sacred Host?
who would be quiet and sit back and just tolerate the attacks on the church and the Lord?
who would accept what this world can offer?
who would enter through the narrow gate?
who would face East while awaiting for the blessed hope and the coming of the Our Lord Jesus Christ?
which side will you be on in this spiritual battle?

YOU and I are born for combat - whether you know like it or not! You deny this reality- you fall... you believe and accept this reality - you will survive this battle.

I will end this with what Ven. Fulton Sheen said about a counterchurch...

"..He (the devil) will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ.” 
-Archbishop Fulton Sheen

God help us!


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