An evil demonic (false) Catholic Organization wants you to sign and pledge to satan!
“It is because of my Catholic faith, not in spite of it, that I support women who make conscience-based decisions to have an abortion.”
-Linda Pinto
NO Linda! you are wrong and you are living a lie! This is not catholic faith!
Last week, I just posted a blog about honoring evil. And here is a perfect example of an Evil False Social Justice! and the worst part is, a (false) catholic organization is promoting this! Yes, you read it right! It's catholic! promoting/pushing abortion! See it for yourself and click on the link!
As an act of love and charity, and as my catholic duty, just sent them an email to stop this evil act!
Be salty and contact them! save their soul in grave danger and save defenseless children in their mother's womb!
Call: 202-986-6093
Write to:
1436 U Street NW, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20009
"O God of all creation, Nurture and protect tiny children and keep them safe in the sanctuary of their mother’s womb.As You so wondrously form their hearts and minds and lungs and souls, so strengthen our will to lovingly nurture and protect them. Give us the eyes to see them as our brothers and sisters,the minds to welcome them as our own, and the faith to defend them as Your children. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, our Blessed Mother, and the mother of all the little." Amen
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