SOURCE: Les Femmes - The Truth
By their fruits you shall know them.
That doesn't sound like an admonition to live in blind acceptance of everything people say and do because "who am I to judge?" We are, in fact, called by Christ to evaluate and judge the fruits of those around us so we can make sound moral decisions. It becomes even more important when we are talking about leaders. Do believing Catholics want to follow a politician who advocates abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, unbridled greed, sodomy, suppression of conscience rights or free speech, etc.? Of course not! So why would believing Catholics want to follow bishops who advocate and work to advance immoral behavior that conflicts with Catholic doctrine taught for 2000 years by the magisterium of the Church? Do we really need to change with the times? Do moral truths change with the times? Are we all Pilates today who shrug and ask:
What is truth?
This page allows the teachers of the Church to speak for themselves and offers the reader the opportunity to choose whom he will follow. There are no secrets about the fruits of many of these men in roman collars. Some offer beautiful fruit for our spiritual health; others give us rotten fruit from the forbidden tree.
Whom will you choose to follow?
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia (Academy for Life): Paglia's Scandalous Homoerotic Cathedral Fresco
Rainbow Flag in Paglia's Coat of Arms (Sign of God's Promise or Wink to LGBTQ?)
Don't Call the Family a "Little Church." It Encourages "Family Egoism."
AB Paglia Appoints Enemies of Life to Academy
Rainbow Flag in Paglia's Coat of Arms (Sign of God's Promise or Wink to LGBTQ?)
Don't Call the Family a "Little Church." It Encourages "Family Egoism."
AB Paglia Appoints Enemies of Life to Academy
Cardinal Sarah (Guinea): "I Denounce the Crisis of Faith of a Betraying Clergy."
Bishop Guo, Underground Chinese Church: The Passion Begins
Cardinal Zen, Underground Chinese Church: The Chinese Potemkin Village
Cardinal Zen, Underground Chinese Church: Betrayal of the Church in China
Cardinal Zen, Underground Chinese Church: The Chinese Potemkin Village
Cardinal Zen, Underground Chinese Church: Betrayal of the Church in China
Cardinal Walter Brandmuller: Heed the Minority Who Truly Live the Faith
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn (Vienna): Ordination of Women - Canonist Ed Peter's Response
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn (Vienna): Ordination of Women - Canonist Ed Peter's Response
Bishop Athanasiua Schneider: A"To-Do List" to Save the Faith
Pope is not the "Owner" of Truth but it's "Vicar and Servant"
Pope is not the "Owner" of Truth but it's "Vicar and Servant"
Archbishop Emeritus Juan Sandaval (Guadalajara): Consecrate Mexico to Mary's Immaculate Heart
Bishop Samuel Aquila (Denver): Catholics Who Vote Democrat Sell Out Christ
Humanae Vitae was a Gift (Pastoral letter celebrating 50th anniversary of the encyclical)
The Church's "Best Kept Secrets": NFP and Theology of the Body
Humanae Vitae was a Gift (Pastoral letter celebrating 50th anniversary of the encyclical)
The Church's "Best Kept Secrets": NFP and Theology of the Body
Cardinal Raymond Burke: On Schism, Papal Authority and the Sensus Fidei
Interview with Catholic World Report (April 2018)
Pope's Authority is Limited by Natural and Divine Law
Cardinal Warns of Betrayal of Truth Even by Bishops
Interview with Catholic World Report (April 2018)
Pope's Authority is Limited by Natural and Divine Law
Cardinal Warns of Betrayal of Truth Even by Bishops
Cardinal Blase Cupich (Chicago): Bad News for Chicago
Cupich Joins Dissenters' Convention
Bishop Bans Latin Mass; Parishioners Celebrate Triduum on Sidewalk (2002)
Cupich Joins Dissenters' Convention
Bishop Bans Latin Mass; Parishioners Celebrate Triduum on Sidewalk (2002)
Bishop Thomas Olmsted (Phoenix): Apostolic Exhortation to Men: Into the Breach
Bishop Olmsted and the Case of Sr. McBride (Approved Hospital Abortion)
Bishop Olmsted and the Case of Sr. McBride (Approved Hospital Abortion)
Bishop Thomas Paprocki (Springfield): To Durbin - Change Your Heart, Your Abortion Votes
Bishop Mark Seitz (El Paso): The Seitz Syndrome
Bishop Joseph Tobin (Newark): Gays Embrace a "Miracle"
Good Questions about Bishop Tobin's "Nighty-Nighy, Baby" Tweet
Gay Pilgrimage and Bishop Tobin's Silence on Church Teaching
Good Questions about Bishop Tobin's "Nighty-Nighy, Baby" Tweet
Gay Pilgrimage and Bishop Tobin's Silence on Church Teaching
Bishop Thomas Tobin (Providence, RI): We Need a #MeToo Movement for Aborted Babies
Cardinal Donald Wuerl (Washington, D.C.): Wuerl's Amoris Laetitia Doc is Open to Abuse
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