Our Lady of Akita: ''The Church will be full of those who accept compromises...''

Our Lady of Akita:

''The Church will be full of those who accept compromises...''

IF you are awake like me and observing what's happening in the Catholic church - she is in crisis.  If you are not aware, then you need to pay more attention.  One of the most important aspect, which is similarly ignored by most people today, relates to those words of Our Lady to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa at Akita: 

''The Church will be full of those who accept compromises....''

That phrase ''full of'' is as troubling as it looks accurate. Isn't that exactly what we see all around us? I have posted an article about this previously: Bishops against Bishops - this division was foretold in 1973 by the Blessed Virgin Mary during her Church-approved apparitions in Akita, Japan.  

This prophecy is currently being fulfilled at an ever-increasing rate.

We see new teachings and new dogmas invented by clerics to suit their taste that don't seem quite right and some are should we say 'heresies' and demonic... If you don't see these things happening - then either you are asleep or don't care at all or possibly in communion with these compromises brought by satan - in other words, you are part of the church problem.

It all connects to compromises Our Lady had revealed to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa. It is obvious that we have wolves in shepherd's clothing.  By their fruits you will know them (Matt 7:16).  They have betrayed our Lord.  

There's a recent article about Vatican being  infiltrated by globalist operatives and an organized campaign being rolled out to radically alter European culture.  This was revealed by one of our Holy faithful Bishop Athanasius Schneider (God bless him).  

There are lists of compromises we can detect (if you are paying attention) from them - false social justice... Immigration crisis... same-sex marriage... numbers of homosexual clergy scandals - not to mention the cover ups from fellow clergy... Lists goes on and on.  All these are results of compromises.

If all of this alarms you, and it should, then rejoice in the knowledge that you are still a Catholic; if it crucifies your heart, then know that you have been very blessed by God.

Let's pray to our Lady and ask for her intercession and protection from the enemy.  Only our Lord can sort these things out.  Borrowing a quote from Fr. Eduard Perrone from his sermon:

"But what is really happening is that the good and bad crops are both maturing. It must be getting nearer the harvest time.."

Is the earth ripe for the final judgement or a great chastisement for church's restoration is on its way? Either way, we cannot avoid it.  whichever comes first, it matters not - each single one of us must be prepared always — to stand before Our Lord.

"But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk.18:8)

God loves you! Stay salty, orthodox and dogmatic!



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