The Persecution of Faithful Priests
The Persecution of Faithful Priests
While the bad/toxic shepherds are being elevated (if you are 'woke' you know who they are), the faithful ones are being persecuted and oppressed. So sad that by proclaiming the truth by good priests - in the eyes of these (bad) bishops - they are treated like criminals and the ones guilty of wrong doing are not silenced and no disciplinary action has been taken.
This is our Catholic Church now folks! We are n the same shoes with St John the Baptist telling King Herod the Truth and being silenced. This is just the beginning.
I think about the prophecy of Our Lady of Akita as I have previously posted and mentioned many times - it is unfolding before our eyes:
''The Church will be full of those who accept compromises....''
"Cardinals against Cardinals, bishops against bishops.."
In addition - Abp. Fulton Sheen was spot on when he prophesied our time when it comes to people who stand up for the faith, for pro-life, for marriage:
“Evil must come to reject us, to despise us, to hate us, to persecute us, and then shall we define our loyalties, affirm our fidelities and state on whose side we stand. How shall the strong and weak trees be manifested unless the wind blows? Our quantity indeed will decrease, but our quality will increase. Then shall be verified the words of Our Master: whoever does not gather with me, scatters.” (Matthew 12:30)
Sheen revealed that there is only one path out of the chaotic conditions:
“The only way out of this crisis is spiritual, because the trouble is not in the way we keep our books, but in the way we keep our souls. The time is nearer than you think.”
The Persecution of Faithful Priests
Source: Complicit Clergy
Have you noticed that it seems the only priests who are being silenced by their bishops are those who have the courage to speak the truth? The most recent example is the story of Fr. Vaugh Treco which has been reported by One Peter Five:
Fr. Vaughn Treco spoke out against the status quo, and so he has been silenced. For this “crime,” he was been removed as parochial administrator, functionally pastor, of my parish. He had his faculties for hearing confessions withdrawn. He was forbidden to preach or offer any reflections or anything of the sort. Nor was the bishop content merely to silence him. Despite the fact that Fr. Treco reaffirmed the Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity as requested by Bishop Lopes, he has been threatened with excommunication under a charge of schism. What sort of schism he is alleged to be guilty of I cannot say, but he will not take back the true words he spoke in his homily about what has gone so horribly wrong in the Church.
Fr. Treco’s crime was preaching the following homily on the Feast of Christ the King last November.
While the bishops of New York refuse to excommunicate Catholic politicians who support infanticide, here we have a story of a bishop threatening his priest with excommunication for preaching a truthful homily.
Here are some other recent examples, all occurring in the past 6 months:
Fr. Edwin Dwyer from the Diocese of Saginaw who was removed by Bishop Walter Hurley for causing division in his parish after introducing elements to the celebration of the liturgy — elements approved by the Church — considered “traditional”;
Fr. Mark Goring from the Archdioceses of Galvaston/Houston who was silenced by Archbishop DiNardo for recording videos that encouraged lay Catholics to take action in combating the sexual abuse scandal;
Fr. Paul Kalchik from the Archdiocese of Chicago who was forced into hiding after Cardinal Blase Cupich had him removed from his parish and threaten him with arrest for burning a LGBT flag that was found in his parish.
TAKE ACTION: Contact The Bishops of These Priests
Faithful lay Catholics need to start defending true soldiers of the faith from unjust persecution by their bishops. Here’s contact information for each of the bishops of the priests mentioned in this story.
Fr. Vaughn Treco: Bishop Stephen Lopes, 346.247.2201
Fr. Edwin Dwyer: Bishop Walter Hurley, 989.799.7910
Fr. Mark Goring: Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, 713.659.5461
Fr. Paul Kalchik: Cardinal Blase Cupich, 312.751.8200
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