Passiontide | Passion Sunday


Passiontide | Passion Sunday: Fifth Sunday of Easter

Passiontide | The veiling of the Crucifix and statues
[Image Credit: Bene16, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

End of Lent is drawing near. Easter is only two weeks away. But before Easter, we must accompany Jesus in His Passion.  Today starts Passiontide or known as 'Passion Sunday'.  This is the time to focus and meditate more on the Passion and death of Jesus.  A time to accompany our Lord on his way to Calvary to be crucified. Our sins/brokenness led our Lord to go though horrific sufferings, from being assaulted verbally/physically to being nailed to the cross and died in agony.

Traditionally, we observe two-week Passiontide by veiling the crucifix and all statues in the church in purple cloths on Passion Sunday and kept covered until the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night. This is an old custom as a way of focusing on the penitential aspect on Lent season.

Also, the veiling in purple cloth is related in the Gospel of Passion Sunday when Jesus hid Himself from the jews when he was being threatened to be stoned.  This is right after He revealed Himself to the jews as God. [Jn 8:58-59]

Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM.” So they picked up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid and went out of the temple area.


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