Fr. Michel Rodrigue’s Messages

Fr. Michel Rodrigue’s Messages

June 5, 2020 A.D.

Month of Sacred Heart of Jesus

"There will be a great uprising. You will see revolution in your streets. People will fight each other openly. The government will have no other choice than to institute martial law. At the same time that martial law begins, so will the war. . ." 

— Fr. Michel Rodrigue 

This message is spot on in our time - the protests, looting, civil unrest/violence/riots. I have read quite a few of his messages/warnings previously and find it amazing, interesting, timely and alarming.

Fr. Michel Rodrigue is a Priest, Mystic, Exorcist, Founder and Superior General of The Apostolic Fraternity of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre
(Order founded in 2012)

Click on the link below to read/watch more of his talks on this subject... From that site, you will see several parts of his talks and other warnings and what must take place soon...

The Shocking Future of the Church and the World

Please remember: Fr. Michel’s messages are private revelation and haven’t been investigated by the Church, so you don’t have to accept them as truth.

I still encourage you to read the messages and discern if you’re being called to pay attention to them... Most importantly, be in a state of Grace.

Stay salty, rigid and be Holy my friends!



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