The Church's Ultimate Trial.. Are We Already There?

 The Church's Ultimate Trial.. Are We Already There?

The irony of the previous quote by G.K. Chesterton I posted few days ago:

  "..We do not want a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world.”

Vatican will be hosting highly controversial speakers who promote abortion, pansexuality, Hindu Vedic meditation, New Age spirituality, alternative medicine and yoga, alongside credible medical experts. Yes, you've read it correctly.  It seems like it's the opposite of what G.K. Chesterton pointed out.  Church is moving with the world, instead of moving the world — which will lead to destruction of society, every single (tepid) soul and moving farther away from God.

If we read the epistle of St James the apostle, he stated it very clear:

  Adulterers, know you not that the friendship of this world is the enemy of God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God.   —James 4:4

The outcome of getting cozy with the state is never good.  Here's another great quote by G.K. Chesterton:

"The coziness between church and state is good for the state and bad for the church."  

Faithful catholics on Social Media have already expressed their concern at the conference, as we all faithful catholic should.  One of them is Deacon Nick Donnelly.  In a comment provided to LifeSiteNews, Deacon Donnelly said that Pope Francis’s condemnations of abortion are undermined by the choice of speakers due to appear at the event:

"There is a strange disjunction between Pope Francis’ words about abortion and his actions.  While Pope Francis has issued some very strong statements condemning abortion these have been gravely undermined by his actions. 

In 2016 he publicly praised Emma Bonino who boasts about facilitating 10,000 illegal abortions and who spearheaded the legalisation of abortion in Italy. 

In 2018 he gave a major papal honor to the Dutch militant abortion activist Lilianne Ploumen, six months after she led a campaign to raise $300 million to fund abortions around the world.  

In 2020 the world’s media trumpeted the pope accepting the use of cell lines in COVID vaccines that originate from aborted babies.  

Now he’s welcoming to the Vatican, Chelsea Clinton, the vice-president of the Clinton Foundation that has deep ties with industrial scale abortionists Planned Parenthood, and the CEO’s of Moderna and Pfizer, experimenters on aborted babies. 

The inclusion of prominent abortion advocates such as Chelsea Clinton as speakers at the Vatican’s Conference is another body blow to the Church’s prophetic witness against the abominable crime of murdering pre-born babies.  

In the case of abortion, actions really do speak louder than words."

There are many questions and we can start with 'WHY?' Why does a pro-abortion like Chelsea Clinton get to be a guest speaker who promotes evil? What can she possibly contribute and teach us about Mind, Body & Soul and improvement of Human Health, when she's against life and advocates killing unborn babies.? Why do we depend so much on Science? Big Pham tech have been using aborted fetal cells on vaccine for decades. — this is immoral according to catholic teaching. 

Here's what Pope Benedict have to say about science:

“[We] were wrong to believe that man would be redeemed through science. Such an expectation asks too much of science; this kind of hope is deceptive. Science can contribute greatly to making the world and mankind more human. Yet it can also destroy mankind and the world unless it is steered by forces that lie outside it… It is not science that redeems man: man is redeemed by love.“ 

—Pope Benedict XVI, Spe Salvi, n. 25-26

Yet, many among catholics chose to ignore this. They're so dependent on these vaccines, no matter how many times you warned them the harm it may bring.  The cure is worst than the disease. The reliance and trust in God and supernatural faith seems to be fading away. 

The Sunday Sermon today was spot on!

“..The virus. The so-called pandemic, the vaccine, obeying communistic regulation from the anti-God left, appears to be the new religion these days for so many many people.  I wish the things of God were talked about as much and that people were as concerned with obeying the Ten Commandments and not offending God by sin and respecting the blessed sacrament as they are with hand sanitizers and social distancing…”

Fr. James Miara (Sunday's Sermon)

Our sleepiness can do harm to us.  

“It’s our very sleepiness to the presence of God that renders us insensitive to evil: we don’t hear God because we don’t want to be disturbed, and so we remain indifferent to evil... the sleepiness’ is ours, of those of us who do not want to see the full force of evil and do not want to enter into his Passion.” 

Pope Benedict XVI

What could possibly go wrong when evil is being allowed to prance around especially in the vatican? Must we offend God more and provoke His wrath?

Remember the final words of Our Lady to the children in Fatima:

The Church's ultimate trial

I have read this in the Catechism and shared it many times, and it's becoming more and more relevant to what is happening in the church:

Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh. (CCC 675)

Stay awake and stay salty my friends!

Let's be more fervent in prayers and ask Our Lady for her intercession and protection from the enemy.  Fr. Eduard Perrone preached this years ago:

"But what is really happening is that the good and bad crops are both maturing. It must be getting nearer the harvest time.."

Is the earth ripe for judgement or a great chastisement for church's restoration is on its way? Either way, we cannot avoid it.  whichever comes first, it matters not - each single one of us must be prepared always — to stand before Our Lord.

"But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk.18:8)

Pray for the Pope, bishops, priests, the church and protection from the enemies, both visible and invisible.  Pray the Rosary! It's our weapon.

The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.

(Our Lady of Akita)

Come Lord Jesus! MaranaTha! Amen!

Jesus I trust in you!



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