Five Cardinals and Two Prominent Bishops Speak About the End Times
Yeah I know what you're thinking:
"Here we go again with the 'End Times'. Why are we focusing on the end times? No one knows when will it happen".
I have been discussing this topic with people. Some do, and when I say 'some', I'm talking about maybe 2-3 people I know who keep up with the sign of time. The rest are always trying to shut me down and move on to next conversation. I guess some are scared of hearing it, or not interested and didn't want to talk about it.
This time, it is not just me talking about this. Five (good) Cardinals and two Bishops discussed about this topic on interviews from LifeSite, and they made a very good interesting point. They are awake and keeping watch on the sign of time. They are aware of the situation of the Holy Mother Church — the suffering, being abused, in darkness and reflecting on the church teaching about end times.
One of the comments that struck me was Bp. Schneider's take on this topic — reflecting on CCC #677:
The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. The kingdom will be fulfilled, then, not by a historic triumph of the Church through a progressive ascendancy, but only by God's victory over the final unleashing of evil, which will cause his Bride to come down from heaven. God's triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Judgment after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world.
The mystical Body of Christ will follow the Lord in His death, and in His resurrection. He was was spot on this and described it more fully:
"Our Mother Church is now enduring 'Holy Friday'. Because the church is the mystical body of Christ, and by this Divine permission, God permitted that the church in the past 50, 60 years entered a time really a way of the cross, the stations of the cross and I think now we arrived in this our current time, we arrived to the Calvaria, Golgotha, our Mother church is humiliated as Jesus Christ was.."
It is time for cleansing not only n the church, but globally and this ties up with the previous blog about #CoronaVirus
If this is IT, it is an honor and a blessing for us to live in this time to be chosen as God's soldier in this mission. Stay awake foLks! Keep your lamps burning. God love you.
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